Employing your own member of staff will come with added costs such as national insurance and pension contributions, paid leave, and paid sickness. Outsourcing your Creative Curriculum Subjects such as PE, Drama, MFL, Music, Computing & Art to a specialist organisation like us saves you on average 13% compared to employing a member of staff direct.
Employing someone on a full-time basis means that there could be times when a teacher’s time is not being used effectively. An outsourced provider can help you operate more efficiently with a teacher that can be used only when they are needed. This could be covering PPA time, leading regular lessons or extra-curricular clubs.
Any good provider will be able to cover their own staff absences with another member of staff, meaning you are not left short. You should be notified in advance and have full details of the member of staff covering including DBS details along with photo ID to be presented upon arrival.
A single provider may be able to deliver a wider variety of provisions such as PPA Cover, CPD Support, Before & After School Clubs so it’s obviously much easier to manage from a logistical and financial perspective. A well-established and organised provider will have a variety of skill sets and specialists within their team. Many will be specialists in a particular subject area and schools should be able to request a teacher with the most appropriate skills contributing to the schools needs.
Training and support for our team is at the heart of everything we do and we are always looking to improve the level of service we provide. All of our staff are carefully recruited and professionally trained teachers and coaches are experts in their respective subject. Our bespoke schemes of work have been carefully crafted by senior subject specialists and follow the National Curriculum guidelines. We deploy a dedicated quality assurance team who are on the road on a daily basis upskilling and supporting our practitioners.
When a school employs a teacher or member of staff directly they will of course follow a rigorous recruitment process, however, it isn’t until the candidate actually starts that you really find out if they are a good ‘fit’ for the role or your School. Finding good people is fantastic but also hard and if it turns out that the candidate isn’t right for your School, it could be months or often years to fix. Using an external provider should mean a quick phone call will get your practitioner the support they need or a replacement if required.